Conferences and Calls for Papers/Presentations
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CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline Closed
2009, March 23-25, Milan, Italy.
Innovations in Teaching Children & Teenagers
This conference will look at three of the most important topics in the rapidly changing world of English Teaching:
- Learning Technologies
- Testing and Assessment
Organised by the British Council and IATEFL’s Young Learners & Learning Technologies Special Interest Groups
Keynote Speakers
- Graham Stanley - Learning Technologies
- Richard Johnstone - CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning)
- Sophie Ioannou-Georgiou - Testing & Assessment
Topics of Discussion:
- introduction of CLIL courses
- design of CLIL materials
- assessment of CLIL courses
- practical tips and experiences
- Learning Technologies:
- ICT in the YL classroom
- wikis and blogs
- podcasts
- web 2.0
- social networks
- Testing and assessment:
- designing testing materials
- preparing for exams
- assessment of young learners
- portfolios and alternative assessment
Further Information:
Check Roy's list of Conference Schedules for Linguists, Translators, Interpreters
and Teachers of Languages.
submissions or ideas? Contact the webmaster
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last updated December 9, 2008