About XReading
"A Great Way to do Extensive Reading"
XReading VL is an online, virtual library with hundreds of graded readers supported by an easy to use learner management system. The system has been developed to make graded readers more accessible for students and extensive reading programs easier for teachers to manage and assess. 

Because XReading is a virtual library, students have unlimited access to all of the graded readers, anywhere, anytime. Books are never checked out or unavailable. Students can search for and read books using their pc or mobile device. Their search is assisted by book ratings as well as recommendations based on their preferences. In addition, audio is now available for almost every book, so students can listen while they read. 

XReading VL has a simple to use learner management system (LMS) that allows teachers to monitor and assess their students' reading. The LMS not only lets teachers know which books their students are reading, but also how many words they’ve read and their reading speed. In addition, teachers can restrict the library, guiding students to the most appropriate books. Upcoming features will allow teachers to create goals, and have their students, or even their classes, compete with each other to increase motivation. 

There are currently graded readers from Macmillan Language House, Cengage Learning and Oxford University Press in the library. Agreements with Cambridge University Press plus three smaller publishers, Helbling, ELI, and MPI, have been reached, and therefore the XReading library will soon have over 500 books.

For more information about XReading you can go to www.xreading.com and click on the Information tab. There you can get detailed information about the system, reading levels, books, etc. There's sample books and tutorials there too.

To send letters of support for Korea's access to XReading, write to paul@xreading.com 

Paul Goldberg is one of the early extensive reading pioneers in Japan, and just last year, in collaboration with several publishers, he launched a digital library of graded readers called XReading VL

Currently, due to licensing restrictions, the system is only available in Japan, but Paul wants to gauge how much interest there is for this kind of system in Korea, potentially in preparation for launch next year, or in 2016.  Also, he is looking for feedback from educators and administrators to find out what modifications, if any, the system needs for Korean universities.